Mother - Dr, my son is 2 years old. He has been passing watery stool 5 times and had vomiting. The same attack occurred to him last month, too. I would like to know the reason...

Seasonal flu (Influenza Virus Infection) is a kind of contagious infection that spreads through the respiratory tract and occurs seasonally, especially during winter and early monsoon. It can occur...

Mother - Dr, my son is now 3 years old and I would like to know if he can get dewormed.
Doctor - When a child reaches 2 years of age, he can get dewormed....

Renal Stone Disease is a disease caused by the collection of hard stones that are formed by the accumulation of salts and minerals settled down in the kidney. Possib...

A stroke is a condition in which the blood vessels in the brain are blocked or ruptured, preventing the brain cells from getting enough blood supply and making the b...

Patient – Dear Dr, can you explain the disease called “Acute Myocardial Infarction”? One of my uncles died of a heart attack (Acute Myocardial Infa...

Patient – Dear, Dr. Can you please explain about rabies?
Doctor: Rabies is a disease caused by an infection with a virus called Rabies, especially after being bitten by a dog. It can...

Patient – Can you please explain about Dengue Fever, Dr.?
Doctor - Dengue fever is a type of infection caused by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. It occurs in many parts of the...

Doctor - White discharge refers to the discharge of clear or white fluid through the female genital tract (Vagina) which is produced by the uterus and glands inside...

Question: Hello, Doctor. Can you please tell us what we should know about Antenatal Care (pregnancy care) including when a pregnant woman should sta...